Wonderful Cities
Welcome to the State of Rio de Janeiro
TurisRio, the State of Rio de Janeiro Tourism Authority, linked to the Tourism State Secretariat, invites you to enjoy the charm of our wonderful cities. Nowhere in the world, you will find such fascinating places - so diverse and so close to each other.

Armação dos Búzios

Despite the aura of a fishing village that seduced Brigitte Bardot in the 1960’s has been modified, Armação dos Búzios maintains its charm thanks to lush geography: there are more than 20 beaches for you to choose from, among boat trips, dives, fishing, ecological hiking and surfing. On Rua das Pedras, you can find several food and shopping options. But if you simply prefer to relax under the sun and to the sound of the sea, feel free.

The region lists the cultural and historic heritage as a large tourist appeal, with architectural examples portraying the local history, arts and crafts, visual arts, clothing and food.

Also note how the closeness to the city of Rio de Janeiro and the year-round stable climate, with little variation in temperature and low rainfall is an important factor as a tourist attraction. These are the main reasons for the spectacular flow of vacationers that hasten to the region.

City Specifications:

Area: 70 km2 (IBGE - 2010)
Population: 27,538 inhabitants (IBGE - 2010)
Distance from the capital: 165 Km (DER-RJ - 2006)
Duration of journey: 2 hours and 45 minutes
Area Code: 22
Altitude: 3 m
Climate: tropical marine
Average annual temperature: 23º C

Tourist Information:

Secretaria Municipal de Turismo e Cultura (City Department of Tourism and Culture)
Website: www.visitebuzios.com
Address: Av. José Bento Ribeiro Dantas, Km 5
District: Manguinhos – CEP: 28950-000
Phone: (+ 55 22) 2633 6200 / 2623 3966
E-mail: marketing@buzioscvb.com.br

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