Wonderful Cities
Welcome to the State of Rio de Janeiro
TurisRio, the State of Rio de Janeiro Tourism Authority, linked to the Tourism State Secretariat, invites you to enjoy the charm of our wonderful cities. Nowhere in the world, you will find such fascinating places - so diverse and so close to each other.

Iguaba Grande

In the Tupi-Guarani language, iguaba means “a place with much water”. And in fact, the main attractions of the city are found in the waters. The lagoon edge is over 3.6 km long and has beaches of tepid waters, adequate for kite surfing, windsurfing and sailing.

Considered to be privileged for its tranquility and natural beauties, Iguaba Grande attracts vacationers and assiduous goers, who enjoy its picturesque nooks.

City Specifications:

Area: 52 km2 (IBGE - 2010)
Population: 22,858 inhabitants (IBGE - 2010)
Distance from the capital: 123 km (DER-RJ - 2006)
Duration of journey: approximately 2 hours
Area Code: 22
Altitude: 18 m
Climate: tropical marine
Average annual temperature: 23 º C

Tourist Information:

Secretaria Municipal de Turismo, Esporte, Lazer e Desenvolvimento Econômico
(City Department of Tourism, Sports, Leisure and Economic Development)
Website: www.iguaba.rj.gov.br
Address: Rodovia Amaral Peixoto, 2.275
District: Centro - CEP: 28.960-000
Phone: (+ 55 22) 2624 3275 extensions 225/226

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