Wonderful Cities
Welcome to the State of Rio de Janeiro
TurisRio, the State of Rio de Janeiro Tourism Authority, linked to the Tourism State Secretariat, invites you to enjoy the charm of our wonderful cities. Nowhere in the world, you will find such fascinating places - so diverse and so close to each other.

Nova Friburgo

One visit is not enough to experience all of the many charms of Nova Friburgo, the Brazilian Switzerland. Famous for its mild and pleasant climate, for the hospitality of its residents and for its amazing natural beauties, the city offers attractions for all tastes.

Start your itinerary with a visit to cozy local restaurants which, besides fondues and raclettes, offer delicious wines. Next, stop by the flower and lingerie trade, which attracts buyers from all over the country. Then proceed to visit the tourist attractions of Nova Friburgo, such as Pedra do Cão Sentado (Cão Sentado Stone - a stone shaped like a seated dog) and Praça das Colônias (Square of the Colonies), where one can walk about all of the countries that have made history in the city.

Nova Friburgo is also ideal for practicing extreme sports, horseback riding, hiking, rural tourism or pleasant waterfall bathing.

As it is easy to notice, this city has everything to make you return always.

City Specifications:

Area: 933 km2 (IBGE - 2010)
Population: 182,016 inhabitants (IBGE - 2010)
Distance from the capital: 131 Km (DER-RJ - 2006)
Duration of journey: approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes
Area Code: 22
Altitude: 846 m
Climate: subtropical highland
Average annual temperature: 18º C

Tourist Information:

Secretaria Municipal de Turismo (City Department of Tourism)
Website: www.pmnf.rj.gov.br
Address: Av. Alberto Braune, 224
District: Centro – Cep: 28613-000
Phone: (+ 55 22) 2522 8051 / 2533 1811

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