Wonderful Cities
Welcome to the State of Rio de Janeiro
TurisRio, the State of Rio de Janeiro Tourism Authority, linked to the Tourism State Secretariat, invites you to enjoy the charm of our wonderful cities. Nowhere in the world, you will find such fascinating places - so diverse and so close to each other.

Miguel Pereira

From the top of the hills and mountains of Miguel Pereira, paragliding fans jump from a recently constructed ramp. Below, in Lago Javary (Javary Lake), the landscape has paddle boats and small boats gliding over the water. In addition to inns and natural beauties, Miguel Pereira stands out for its arts and crafts, for its famous cachaça and for its climate, considered to be the third best in the world. The Museu Francisco Alves (Francisco Alves Museum), the Museu Ferroviário (Railway Museum) and the Viaduto Paulo de Frontin (Paulo de Frontin Viaduct), an extensive uphill curve railway bridge, the only one in Latin America.

City Specifications:

Area: 289 km2 (IBGE - 2010)
Population: 24,647 inhabitants (IBGE - 2010)
Distance from the capital: 112 km (DER-RJ - 2006)
Duration of journey: approximately 2 hours
Area Code: 24
Altitude: 618 m
Climate: subtropical highland
Average annual temperature: 24º C

Tourist Information:

Secretaria Municipal de Indústria, Comércio e Turismo (City Department of Tourism, Commerce and Industry)
Website: www.pmmp.rj.gov.br
Address: Rua Prefeito Manoel Guilherme Barbosa, 375
District: Centro – CEP: 26.900-000 - Phone: (+ 55 24) 2483 8570

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