Wonderful Cities
Welcome to the State of Rio de Janeiro
TurisRio, the State of Rio de Janeiro Tourism Authority, linked to the Tourism State Secretariat, invites you to enjoy the charm of our wonderful cities. Nowhere in the world, you will find such fascinating places - so diverse and so close to each other.


To experience the true meaning of the word beauty, you must visit Paraty, the perfect combination between the blue sea and the green of the Atlantic Forest.

In the mid 60’s, Paraty was declared as a National Historic Landmark by the Institute for National Artistic and Historical Heritage (IPHAN), due to its importance during the gold period, since it became one of the most prosperous cities of the Colony and the start of the Empire.

The natural landscape of the Serra da Bocaina National Park shelters a part of the stretch of the Caminho Velho do Ouro (Old Gold Route), through which the miners would transport gold from Minas Gerais bound for the Court, forming one of the city’s touristic itineraries.

In the 90’s, diving operators were installed in the city, which teach the sport and go on marine exploration expeditions. The beaches along the highway started to be frequented and those in Trindade turned into a favorite place for youths and adventurers.

It is also possible to experience the cultural richness around there, such as the complex architecture that combines churches from the 18th and 19th centuries, in baroque and neoclassical styles, in addition to centennial mansions which during the winter months housed diverse festivals and events, among which we point out the FLIP – Literary Festival of Paraty, internationally renowned.

City Specifications:

Area: 925.05 km2 (IBGE - 2010)
Population: 37,575 inhabitants (IBGE - 2010)
Distance from the capital: 234 km (DER-RJ - 2006)
Duration of journey: approximately 3 hours and 50 minutes
Area Code: 24
Altitude: 5 m
Climate: Tropical
Average annual temperature: 27º C

Tourist Information:

Secretaria Municipal de Turismo (City Department of Tourism)
Website: www.pmparaty.rj.gov.br
Address: Av. Roberto Silveira, 1.
District: Centro – CEP: 23970-000 - Phone: (+ 55 24) 3371 1222

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